U18 Girls Teams Update, News, U18 Girls C2, U18 (2007-2009) (Ilderton Jets)

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Sep 27, 2024 | Kendra Bloomfield | 204 views
U18 Girls Teams Update
Dear U18 Parents,

We are writing to inform you about the divisions for U18 girls this season. The divisions will stay as B, C and C as decided in May during tryouts. 

Following tryouts a discussion with the coach began about whether their team would be a B or BB team. Due to the travel last season for that division the choice was to remain at B. 

Communication from the board was then sent to all parents in the C division, in which a vote brought us to the structure of C1 and C2. Per the OWHA rules, REGULATION THREE


(A) (2) Associations may not register more than one team in the same category unless the categories above are filled, with the exceptions of House League, Senior Over 19 House League, and Masters teams.

Due to this rule, tier 1 must remain a B team. Keep in mind, when the board made this decision to have a B team and 2 C teams WOGHL did not have a BB loop so we felt we were providing ALL girls with the best chance to be successful and to make provincials.

Finally, we believe this decision supports ALL of the girls and is consistent with the communication put forth by the board before tryouts.

We are excited to kick off another great hockey season and are grateful for your continued support. 

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