OHF Vulnerable Sector Submission Process (Ilderton Jets)

PrintOHF Vulnerable Sector Submission Process
NEW THIS YEAR OHF, Ontario Hockey Federation, now requires all individuals to complete the Declaration as well as upload a pdf version of their Vulnerable Sector Check through the portal found on their website.  It has been linked below. 


You will need to have your HCR # on hand, as well as the login information for HCR when you are ready to submit your VSC to OHF.

A Vulnerable Sector Check is good for 3 years.  If you have done one in the last three years you may submit it, as long as you have saved a pdf version of it.  If you do not have a pdf version, or you require a VSC you will need to apply at the OPP link below.  They are currently experiencing a high volume of submissions, and are 4-6 weeks behind.  You will also require a volunteer letter to submit for a FREE VSC, which has been linked below.  If you submit for a VSC through a paid site, the cost is $60.00 and you will have it back within a few hours.



PLEASE NOTE: Rosters WILL NOT be approved if all coaches, helpers, etc have not submitted their VSC through the OHF portal, linked above.  It's really important that everyone begin the process for obtaining a VSC now if you do not already have a valid one.  

If you are helping on a bench or on the ice during tryouts you MUST have completed the VSC submission to OHF and received approval.

If you have any questions please reach out!