We would like to thank all of the players who have worked so
hard during this evaluation process. You have made these decisions very
difficult for all of the evaluators and we are extremely impressed by the level
of talent we have seen. If you do not see your name on this list please stay
posted to the website for information regarding the next U18 team.
We are proud to announce the Ilderton Jets Girls U18 BB/B team
for the 2024/2025 season.
Isabelle Balcarras
Mya Balcarras
Drew Cummings
Sophie Foster
Juliette Goudsbloem
Grace Harford
Grace Hennessy
Jayla Herrerra
Tiffany Letkemann
Natalie Loft
Keira McLeod
Brynn O'Neil
Ava Ryan
Graye Spolstra
Leah Sutherland
Bella Surrette
Jessica Thompson
Makayla Van Dinther
Raina Welburn
Coach Mitchell