Mar 24, 2014 | Todd Copeland | 2392 views
This weekend for Mite 2: Saturday March 29th
Exhibition Game - Mt.Brydges Cougars Mite Group B - 10:00 am (Tri Township Arena)
Year End Pizza and Mini Stick Party - 5:00 pm - Ilderton Legion
If you get a chance fill out the Coach Evaluation Survey. IMHA would appreciate your feedback. Deadline to submit is April 30 2014.
Mite 1: Todd Copeland (coach)
Players: Haley Adams, Hayley Bannister, Alden Brooks, Samuel Chiarappa, Logan Copeland, Bryce Douglas, Reece Douglas, Ethan Elliot, Lyla Elliot, Matthew Hewerdine, Nate Hosack, Zack Ironside, Myles Langan, Finnegan McLaughlin, Brynn O'Neil, Evan Pym, Nathan Schram, Raina Wellburn
Mite 2: Mark Coghlin (coach)
Players: Lila Arbus, Andrew Bailey, Isabele Bernard, Ryan Broughton, Joshua Brown, Hudson Burgess, Myla Coghlin, Mya Devereux, Matyas Dobsinai, Lucas Kenny, Marcus Lattanzio, Christopher Maiorana, Jos hua Maiorana, Erik McDougall, Leah Milligan, Liam Mills, Garrett Romano, Ethan Romano, Cole Thomas.