OWHA Referee Clinic, News (Ilderton Jets)

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Sep 03, 2024 | Kendra Bloomfield | 285 views
OWHA Referee Clinic

Lucan Minor Hockey is excited to announce it is hosting a OWHA Referee clinic on October 6th for both new refs and re-certifications.  In addition to the OWHA course costs there is a fee of $20 to cover the logistics of the day (e.g. room rental, supplies, etc).
Please complete the registration form below to request a spot in the clinic.  Spots are on a first-come-first-serve basis and must have approval from your local ref coordinator in order to sign-up.
Final confirmation will be communicated closer to the date.  The form will be disabled once registration numbers are met.


click 'Officials Clinics Now Open' 
The information on the pre-requisites are available from this website as well.
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