Aug 10, 2022 | Kendra Bloomfield | 437 views
Tryout Schedule
Welcome to a new season of Ilderton Jets Hockey!
You will need to check back on the website often for new dates, times and events. It would be a good idea to subscribe to both the website and the team page.
The tryout schedule has now been posted and can also be found below. Please check the Pre-Skate Groups (U13) for your Development times, or you can also check the Organization Calendar for a detailed list of ALL Ilderton Jets dates and times.
Tryout Times for U13 Boys Rep
Saturday, September 24th 1:30pm @ Lucan
Saturday, September 24th 7:00-8:00pm Ilderton Arena A-K ONLY
Saturday, September 24th 8:00-9:00pm Ilderton Arena L-Z ONLY
Sunday, September 25th 11:30-12:10pm Ilderton Arena
Sunday, September 25th 12:10-12:50pm Ilderton Arena
Monday, September 26th 8:00-9:00pm Ilderton Arena vs Lucan
The AE tryouts will resume after the Ilderton Fair.
Tryout Times for U13 Boys AE
Monday, October 3rd 8:00-9:00pm Ilderton Arena (BOYS AE)
Tuesday, October 4th 7:00-8:00pm Ilderton Arena (BOYS AE)
If you have any further questions about tryouts please contact the Head Coach.
Thank you!