Mar 25, 2017 | Alan Welburn | 1531 views
Atom LM White - LMLL 'F' Playoff Champions
Congratulations to Ilderton’s Atom White Jet’s for winning the Lambton Middlesex Divisional Championship Series. The entire Jet’s team played with true determination, intensity and passion to win against an extremely skilled Dorchester hockey team.
The Jet’s would like to thanks the Dorchester players, coaching staff and fans for such a fun and competitive series.
At the beginning of this series the Jet’s agreed to a few team commitments that they wrote down and posted in the dressing room before each playoff game.
Some of these team commitments included:
1.Work together to accomplish more
2.Play with Team Work
3.Play with Work Ethic
4.Never Quit
Congratulations for sticking to your commitments and bringing home the Championship Medals.