Sep 24, 2011 | Mark Jordan | 1172 views
Sept 24th Update
Hi Everyone
We have a game this Monday night at 7pm in Ilderton vs Lucan. Thanks to Steve Stapleton for orgainizing the game Steve!
Thanks to Bart and Steve for volunteering to do the clock this season and thanks to Colleen Reiners has volunteered to be our fundraising rep this year.
I will be sending the application to Caledonia to register in their tournament on Oct 13-16 (kids will miss the Friday of school) so please mark your calendars. I will be calling some hotels to check availability shortly so stay tuned. Parents will need to talk to carpool on the way to the tournament and take the kids to the first game as we are expecting a game on Friday Oct 14th in the morning.
Other tournaments we are looking at are Mitchell on Nov 11-13 and we will be in Silverstick on Dec 23 - Jan 1, 2012.
Players are expected to wear a shirt and tie to each game as this was what the boys decided last night.
Go Jets!
If you could bring a cheque to Monday's game payable to me for 300.00 that would be super!