Tryout Etiquette Reminders, News (Ilderton Jets)

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Sep 08, 2024 | Admin | 506 views
Tryout Etiquette Reminders
We are excited to have another season of hockey underway!  Ilderton Minor Hockey Association (IMHA) is excited to get players back on the ice, connecting with one another and doing what they love!

IMHA wants to remind everyone that we are committed to providing a positive environment where all individuals are treated with respect. Being a member of this association should be a positive, rewarding, and beneficial experience for all - players, coaches, parents, officials, and volunteers. 

Please review our tryout reminders to help everyone have a great start to the season!

Tryout Reminders:

-        -Tryout and Player Evaluation Committees are formed to help evaluate during the tryout process. This committee includes individuals with no conflict of interest and assist in finalizing the roster on all representative teams, in consultation with appointed head coach. 

-        -After the tryout process and creation of teams, a player may request information about the tryout process by contacting IMHA secretary, by email at [email protected]

-        -Complaints or disputes on evaluations or player placement on teams may be appealed in writing to the board of directors. 

-        -Coaches are NOT to be contacted before, during or after the tryout process for any inquiries regarding the tryout process or team selection inquiries.

To ensure that all members of our association are treated fairly and with respect, we encourage everyone to communicate in a positive manner and to follow certain guidelines when discussing issues about practices and games. 


IMHA fully endorses the Code of Conduct outlined in our Policies and Procedures (available on our website and encourages all members to follow proper procedures when dealing with sensitive issues. 


We understand that hockey can be an emotional sport for many and we want to ensure that our players and members interact in a fair and safe environment. IMHA would like all our members to practice the 24 Hour Rule.

Practicing the 24 Hour Rule

Throughout the season, IMHA encourages parents, players, and others connected with Minor Hockey to practice the “24 Hour rule”, meaning that people are asked to wait for 24 hours before addressing their concerns regarding the operations of the organization. 

Mobile technologies have changed people's ability to communicate. An unfortunate side-effect of these quick and easy connections, is that sometimes, people have access to people at a time when the best course of action may be to take a step back, review and assess a situation, and then come back to it 24 hours or so later, when there has been sufficient time to de-escalate a situation, or for the situation to resolve itself. 

If after you have practiced the “24 hour Rule” you would like to communicate a concern about the operation of the organization. Please respond by email using [email protected]

Everyone involved in sport does so for the love of the game, and while we know that sports can bring out the best in people, it can sometimes bring out the worst.  Please show respect for yourself, and those around you, and consider the 24 hour rule in the event of an unfavourable situation this season.

Looking forward to a wonderful season!

Go Jets Go

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